
What is IFMA?
Founded in 1980, IFMA is the world’s largest and most widely recognized international association for facility management professionals, supporting 24,000 members in 105 countries. The association’s members, represented in 134 chapters and 17 councils worldwide, manage more than 37 billion square feet of property and annually purchase more than $100 billion in products and services.
Globally, IFMA certifies facility managers, conducts research, provides educational programs, recognizes facility management degree and certificate programs and produces World Workplace, the largest facility management-related conference and exposition.
Frequently asked questions
Go to the website at the Join Today page on IFMA’s website and go to the membership section. There you can review information on membership, dues & fill out the application on line, or you can request that an information packet be sent to you for additional information.
For facility managers, the opportunity to network with your peers, attend local educational events and learn from others experiences through the monthly programs offered by the Chapter. For associate members you will have an opportunity to provide information on your services to local members.
Your membership is an individual membership. Others from your company are welcome to attend events, however they will pay the non-member price. In some cases your membership can be transferred to another employee of your company. If you have questions or changes to your membership, please call (713) 623-4362 ext. 162.
By attending monthly meetings you will have an opportunity to meet other members. however, an ideal way to get to know other members quickly is to join a committee. it does not require a great deal of time, and you will get to know your fellow committee members, as well as have the opportunity to interact with the members more closely.
Yes, if you are an IFMA member, you can access other IFMA members. The directory is set up and password protected for members only: Members Only Directory
IFMA Oregon and Southwest Washington chapter is now offering scholarship money for members and non-members that cannot afford the extra expenses. If you have lost your job or if your company does not cover IFMA expenses contact the office for more details.
The directory provides you with the opportunity to contact other members for questions, or services they may provide. We encourage our IFMA members to work within the network when possible.
What IFMA OR has to offer you as a new member
IFMA Oregon and Southwest Washington chapter is now offering scholarship money for members and non-members that cannot afford the extra expenses. If you have lost your job or if your company does not cover IFMA expenses, fill out the application below to attend IFMA Oregon and Southwest Washington membership meetings or to cover membership dues.
MacDMembership information regarding joining IFMA and the Oregon/SW Washington Chapter may be obtained by contacting any of the Chapter’s Membership Co-Chairs listed below. You may contact them via mail, phone or email. You may also contact the IFMA Oregon/SW Washington Chapter office at 503.220.5021.
- All applications (print or electronic) are processed through IFMA International. Your joining or renewing will be reported to our Oregon and Southwest Washington Chapter. ( Welcome! or Welcome Back! )
- When you join, please fill in the “How You Heard About Us.” If a current IFMA Member encouraged you to join, they may receive recognition or reward from IFMA.
- If you RENEW ELECTRONICALLY, and use the “MEMBER CHOICE” application, you must remember to specifically choose chapter membership. (In Option 2, scroll the drop-down to “Oregon and SW Washington (Portland) – ….” and then, click on your member classification: Professional — Associate — Student — Retired.