Dream Gizmo Showcase Booth
(1) Table and booth space to display your company! Includes (1) Attendee
Think Tank Session Sponsor
Logo displayed at the start of the session, ability to introduce presenters
Your Logo Displayed in all sessions and most prominent throughout the Symposium. Verbal recognition and introduction at the Opening Ceremony with opportunity to address attendees (4 attendees included)
Your Logo Displayed Prominently in the main Hall where meals and trade show will be held Verbal recognition and introduction at Lunch with opportunity to address attendees (2 Attendees Included)
Everyone's Favorite! Your Logo Displayed Prominently at the Bar During Happy Hour
Logo Displayed on All Badges (including your competitors!)
Brainchild Breakfast Sponsor
Logo Displayed at the Coffee and Pastry bar During Morning Networking
Logo Displayed with Appetizers